
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Femme Diaries: D.A.N.G.E.R.O.U.S (Part 2)

I was fully convinced he had been turned off with the conviction that I was a cheap slut from my sudden bold move. I tried to focus on the program of the wedding, so I can at least have something to tell my mother at home. There was a sudden  tap on my shoulders, I turned around to see the usher that he had called. The usher came to me with a note and left almost immediately. The drop was done so discreetly, nobody on my table seemed to have noticed. The note was short and simple, it read; "Last Car, V.I.P parking lounge, I'll leave first, count 60seconds and join me. If I don't see you in the car In 5 minutes, then I apologise for mis-interpreting your signals. - K"

I should be offended by this note, but i was not, instead I was filled with sudden boldness.  I  raised my head looking at his table, he stole a glance at me as the woman said something into his ears. I looked away again, from his blinding stare. After a while I raised my head to see he was no longer on seat. The space he was sitting before was now occupied by the unreal woman he had been groping all day. She turned a blank stare at me and folded her arms. Looking directly into my eyes like she knew I had been flirting with her man all afternoon. Still mentally counting to 60 in mind, I raised my head searching for him. I spotted him finally, pushing toward the exit of the hall.  

58, 59, 60. I counted. I took awhile to steal a glance the woman. She was still staring. Was it a coincidence? Or was she looking at someone behind me? No time to confirm. I decided to go for it. Standing up and  heading toward the exit. I think I saw her stand up from the corner of my eye, my mind didn't register it. I was only focused on meeting "K" in his car.   Someone was walking behind me, I could feel it, but I didn't want to look back. The auditorium was large and it could be anybody I thought to myself. I picked up pace and pretended not to notice.  A voice passed through my ears  "Excuse me" She called out, but I continued walking, "Excuse me please". I slowed down as a deafening laughter echoed through the hall as the best man gave his speech. She caught up, and finally tapped my  shoulders with a hand soft like the breeze. I turned around to see the beauty behind me. She looked even better up close and stood with so much elegance and grace her presence eliminated that of everyone else in the hall. All of a sudden it felt like it was just two of us in the large auditorium. "Hello" she spoke finally. "I see you have engaged yourself in a diversion with my husband from your seat" she spoke as softly as she looked, "What are you talking about? i asked pretentiously. "I've been looking at you checking him out since we arrived here, I know little cunts like you and what you sluts are capable of, so I always come prepared." She said and paused picking word for word like she was allowing each syllable sink in separately.  "This is a military event young lady, you see those soldiers around my table, They could make sure you don't leave here in one piece , so if I were you I would throw that little note away," she paused a bit to look at the surprise on my face "ahh yes, I stood a couple of tables away and I saw him writing you that note, if i were you i would go back to my chair like a good little girl and not fuck with higher powers, because trust me, you have to be dangerous to live dangerous. Enjoy the rest of the party, young lady. Good day" with that she turned around and returned to her seat.

The words struck me. I was grounded to the floor and couldn't even reply my throat was gummed and my palms were suddenly clammy. All I could do was mutter some incomprehensible words to her back as she left. Who is this woman? I slowly dragged back to my seat and sat down. As I sat down wallowing in the shock of my conversation with the dangerous woman. The MC called on the daughter of the General Commander of The Nigerian Army to give a few casual remarks on behalf of her father who was absent. That's when I knew who she was.  Her father was the General Commander of the Nigerian army. I looked at the note one last time about to throw it away in defeat, then I saw the back of the note "If you can't come now, here's my number call me, I have a permanent room at Oriental Hotels -K". I folded the paper and put it safely in my bag as a smile came across my face.  I took a long sip of the red wine in my glass and giggled. K had returned to the table now and he was backing me so i couldn't see his face.  I timed my movement and walked out the hall with the woman still giving her speech. I pulled out my blackberry just outside the hall, sent a text to a number and headed to my car. 

3 minutes had passed as I sat in the car. Where was he? I put my car in ignition ready to leave when someone opened the passenger door and sat down. "If you hadn't been here in 5 minutes, I would have texted you to apologise for mis-interpreting your signals" I told him. He gave a throaty laugh  "can we leave here before the sergeant I told I wanted to take a piss discovers there's a toilet in the hall? The name is Kayode".  I burst into a wild laugh as I gunned for the exit gate.

The End.

If you missed the first part of this story click here to read it

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