
Monday, October 21, 2013

Shocking : 33-Year-Old Justin Bieber Fan Has $100,000 Worth Of Plastic Surgery To Look Like His Idol

A 33-year-old man has spent five years and $100,000 in an effort to look like his hero - teenaged pop idol Justn Bieber.

Toby Sheldon is a songwriter from Los Angeles who has used Bieber's youthful features as the inspiration for numerous suggeries, including face fillers, a chin reduction and eyelid sugery.
Sheldon's obsession with his appearance began when he started having treatments to prevent his his thinning at the age of 23, but really took off when a pre-pubescent Justin Bieber hit the big-time in 2008.
Sheldon, along with hordes of preteen girls, became enamored of the pop star.

'Once Justin shot to fame his face was everywhere and I all I kept thinking when I saw his picture was, "I want to look like him,"' Sheldon says.

Sheldon had already spent $8,000 on hair transplants to supplement his thinning blond locks, but he wasn't happy with the results.

Justin Bieber

He took a picture of Bieber to his plastic surgeon to demonstrate exactly how he wanted his hair to look.

'It took three transplants and a total of $21,000 to accurately lower my hair line, close off my temples and grow back my bangs,' he says.

Once he had perfected his Bieber-style hair, Sheldon, who admits to a phobia of aging, decided he wasn't finished.

Next, he had Botox and Aquamid injections in his forehead and temples.

In 2012, he spent $4,850 on eye surgery to lift his upper eyelids.

'But it took going to eight different surgeons before anyone would agree to operate on me as everyone thought I was crazy to be obsessing over such a tiny detail,' he says.

His most recent procedure, a three-part smile surgery, has literally turned his frown upside down in an effort to emulate his 19-year-old idol’s boyish smile.

'When I first sought out to look like Justin I only paid attention to specific aspects of his boyish look like his hair and the structure of his face,' says Sheldon.

Read more : HERE


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