
Sunday, October 27, 2013

15 Facts About LOVE You Probably Did Not Know

Love according to Wikipedia refers to an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment

Listed below are 15 facts about Love you probably didn't know.
  • The term "love" was derived from the sanskrit word for "desire", known as "lubhyati".
  • Hugging a loved one has a lot of benefits than simply showing affection! It causes an increase in oxytocin, the hormone associated with reducing blood pressure and boosting heart health.
  • According to a study done in the US, men fall in love faster than women! Who would've guessed?
  • Ever wondered why we have a wedding ring finger? The Ancient Greeks believed that the fourth finger on our left hand contained what they called the "vein of love", a vein that supposedly connected straight to the heart.
  • According to scientists, most people will fall in love approximately 7 times before finding "the one" whom they wish to marry!
  • Kissing has also been proven to have many benefits, including the release of 'bonding' hormones, which makes each lover's face seem more attractive to the other!
  • It is believed (alright, psychologists said so) that it only takes between 90 seconds and 4minutes for a person to decide if he/she has feelings for someone.
  • Forget the love songs of yesterday! It has been discovered that the oldest known love song is actually over 4000 years old! The song comes from an area between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Egypt.
  • Love can cause the same reactions from your body as deep fear can, such as sweaty palms, an increased heart rate and dilated pupils!
  • Because our brains cannot maintain such heightened bliss, it is believed that romantic love lasts for approximately a year before attachment love (a more stable love) sets in.
  • Studies have shown that if a man and woman meet each other in a risky or dangerous situation, then they are significantly more likely to fall in love, when compared to meeting in a more average setting, such as at a cafe or at work. Now it's time to be a Prince in shining armour.
  • According to Plato, humans once had two heads, four arms, four legs etc. However, when these human beings tried to overthrow the Gods, Zeus got mad and split them in half, thus creating the never-ending search for our "other half" or soul mate.
  • While some may stress or fear over the obstacles placed between them and their desired person, it has been proven that "the chase" is actually an important element in romantic love as it heightens passion.
  • It is believed that to create a love potion, all one has to do is mix herbs associated with Venus (mint, thyme, marjoram, meadowsweet and violet) with herbs associated with Mars (basil and broom). Try that one out even though i strongly doubt it.
  • Cupid, also known as "Eros", is believed to have come from "Chaos", representing the forces of desire and love.

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