
Monday, September 30, 2013

PHOTO OF THE DAY: CheckOut Why You Have Those Shitty Ideas

Wanna know why you keep spewing those shitty ideas from your mouth? Check this out.

Ice Prince To Start Clothing Line Soon

Just like some foreign Artists, Nigerian rapper Ice Prince is set to start his own clothing line. And some of his stuffs will look like what you see in the picture above.

10 Reasons No One Follows You On Twitter

Below are ten reasons you are not followed on Twitter.

1. You're a 'social media guru.'

The only people who call themselves "social media gurus" almost certainly aren't, so don't use this awful expression. The same goes for "maven," "expert" or "ninja."
You may work in the social media realm, but it's such a fascinating and ever-changing communications landscape that there is always more to learn.
This came up time and time again in our research as a phrase that puts people off, so find a more creative way to describe yourself and you'll find more followers.

2. You look like an egg.

The egg look really isn't in vogue. You only have a few chances to engage people visually on Twitter, so don't waste them.
Users are seriously dissuaded to follow an account if they can't "see" the personality behind it. Don't leave your avatar as the default egg, an image of a celebrity or someone who isn't you, or anything too risqué. We'd also advise steering clear of GIFs as profile images, which don't always display correctly across platforms.
The best Twitter avatar is a genuine pic of you and, considering how small the image is often displayed, preferably a head and shoulders shot. Remember: You can get more creative with your Twitter header photo and background.

3. You're on #TeamFollowBack.

Begging people to follow you in your bio, and promising that you always follow back, is not an attractive premise.
Twitter isn't about following blindly without good reason — it's about curating your own stream of content that's interesting and ultimately tailored to you. It's perfectly acceptable not to follow people that choose to follow you.
If you're making promises to follow everyone for the sole reason that they chose to follow you, you're diluting your Twitter stream with content that may not be of interest, and ultimately cheapening the value of your own attention span.

4. Your following ratio is disproportionate.

A lopsided ratio of users you follow to users who follow you is often a red flag that an account is spam.
It's understandable — and expected — that you'll follow more accounts than are following you, but a large disparity in these numbers makes your profile look suspicious.
Try to gather some followers before you go crazy with the "Follow" button, or people won't want to join your strangely small list of followers.

5. You wrote your bio in third person.

There is dubious advice out there that writing a bio in the third person, as if it's been written by someone else, will make it sound more professional and objective.
This is bad advice. A third person bio makes you look pompous. It's obvious you haven't asked anyone else to write it — who would you ask, your mom? "Bob is very good at social media and always sets the table for dinner."
Even if you're using it for professional reasons, Twitter is a personal, social platform and your bio should reflect that. A simple, modest bio — or even a lighthearted, funny version — will attract more followers than a grandiose one.

6. You tweet too much.

Twitter went live mid-2006. If you joined the microblogging site at launch and tweeted three times a day every day since then, you would have penned around 8,000 tweets.
This helps put the number of tweets shown on your account in perspective. If you have tweeted over that 8,000 benchmark, then you're obviously an above-average tweeter. If you've tweeted significantly over that number, it may give people pause when considering whether to follow you.

7. You humblebrag.

In addition to your bio basics and account stats, most people will read your last two tweets when they are checking out your Twitter profile.
One of the things that came up in our research was hatred of the "humblebrag," and self-aggrandizement in general.
If one of your two most recent tweets contains even a hint of a humblebrag, that potential follower is going to think twice. If you retweet an entire compliment or flattering @ mention, that's even worse.

8. Robots craft your tweets.

Do you schedule tweets? Or are you signed up to services that auto tweet on your behalf? If your recent tweets look like they were automatically generated, people aren't going to follow you.
What people want on Twitter is to hear your genuine voice, in real time. They don't want lofty quotes that you've scheduled to go live at strategic periods, stats from your latest workout or what your "top stories" are via a third-party curation service.
Twitter is about engagement, not just broadcasting meaningless words. If you don't reply to other Twitter users, or otherwise react to tweets and trending topics you see in your stream, you're doing it wrong.

9. You're selling something.

If you work in a sales or marketing role, then by all means mention it in your bio. Do not, however, turn your bio into a sales pitch.
It's bad enough if you use your bio to push a product or service, but if your recent tweets show that you're all about the hard sell, too, no one is going to be interested in your profile.
Put simply, if you're using Twitter to sell something in a crude manner, people will not follow you. We all see enough unwelcome advertising on a daily basis without it invading our Twitter streams.

10. You send DM spam.

Finally, if someone has made the decision to follow you, and you automatically DM them a self-promotional or sales message, chances are you can kiss that new follower goodbye.
Direct messages that thank the person for following and urge them to check out a link, such as a page on Facebook or a blog for "more amazing content," are crass and impersonal.
Don't be tempted by this ultra-lazy form of marketing, or you'll deservedly lose followers as soon as you manage to gain them.

Blackberry Finally Speaks : BBM For Andriod and iOS Still On Its Way


Amid dire financial results and an oddly-timed smartphone launch, BlackBerry’s big BBM for iPhone and Android launch seemed lost in a murky grey purgatory with little chance of escape with each passing minute its release was held up. The app made it to some lucky New Zealand and Australian App Store users, but BlackBerry halted the rollout when a leaked Android .apk set its servers on fire. Today, it finally provided an update on the state of the balked launch – sort of.
A tweet from the official BBM account (set up just prior to the planned cross-platform rollout) today reveals that BlackBerry is “[s]till 100% committed to bringing #BBM to Android and iPhone,” so presumably teams are still working to block users of the leaked .apk in order to bring sever load back to a manageable level before proceeding with the launch as planned.
Not provided today was a timeline of when to expect the BBM for iPhone and Android launch. Last Monday, BlackBerry EVP of BBM Andrew Bocking said in an update that it didn’t anticipate being able to launch the app that week, but the only mention of when it might arrive instead we’ve had since is the repeated instruction to sign up at the BBM website for notifications.
BlackBerry Messenger creator Gary Klassen was quoted by The Mobile Indian as saying BBM would be coming to platforms beyond iOS and Android in the future, too, which has led to speculation that Windows Phone could be next in line. The Canadian smartphone maker also recently showed how BlackBerry 10 software could be extended to desktop environment, including Windows and Mac OS using a mirrored interface, and BBM is one possible application of that tech.

Source: TechCrunch

See What Segun Arinze Has To Say About Jim Iyke's Deliverance

Jim Iyke's deliverance has been the headline since yesterday and lots of reaction on Facebook, Twitter and all other social media platform. Here's what Mr Arinze has to say

Nominate 9ja Ninja For Nigeria Blog Awards 2013
This Jim Iyke's deliverance video at the Synagogue trending looks too contrived. It's a big embarrassment. Has anyone ever seen demons come out live and speak? Una fit stand demons? Una carry Nollywood enter Church, abi? How much did he get paid? I'm just wondering. Make una stop all these nonsense play. Haba. Stranger than fiction!
Do you agree with him?


See What Chelsea Defender David Luiz Wants His Daughter To Look Like

The Chelsea Start shared a picture a baby girl with the caption "I want my Daughter to look like her, Perfection". Nice one from the Chelsea man but i expect it to be his son, anyways one mans food is another mans poison.

Photo: Gospel Singer Maheeda To Be A Certified Pilot Soon

The gospel singer who has been in the headline recently with her nude pictures shared this photos of her taking piloting lessons see more photos below.

Photo: Who Rocked This Traditional Outfit Better

Who do you think rocked the Traditional attire better?? Agbani Darego or Genevieve??

Friends WIth Benefits: Simplest Ways To Start [READ]

The ideal friends with benefits relationship will let you have fun and hook up with someone whenever you're both in the mood without getting emotionally invested. Though it can be very tricky to navigate the territory between friendship and courtship, if you follow a few basic rules, you can have a no-strings-attached relationship where no one gets hurt. If you want to know how to start one, just be cool and follow these steps.

Choose the Right Friend

  1. 1
    Pick some who is available. This means "available" in all senses of the word -- single being the most obvious definition. The person should not only be single, but he or she shouldn't be recovering from the end of a devastating break-up, dealing with the loss of a loved one, or so busy studying that he or she practically lives in the library. This person should be feeling fun, emotionally stable, and up for anything -- especially hooking up with you.
  1. Pick someone who won't get too attached. Friends with benefits relationships often end because one person starts falling for the other. So, unless you want to date the person, or you don't care if the person gets really hurt, you should avoid someone who will get attached. How do you know who will get too attached and who won't? Well, you can't figure this out with 100% certainly, but there are a few clues that the person may get too attached:
    • If you've heard this person described as "clingy," whether it's by friends or past significant others, then you may have a problem.
    • If the person doesn't have a lot of friends, interests, or a lot going on, then he or she may have nothing better to do than to spend a lot of time with you.
    • If you know that this person has really liked you in the past, then it's better to avoid it. If you know the person has a harmless crush on you, then that's perfect.
  2. 3
    Pick someone you already like. Key word -- like, not really really like. This should be someone who you think is cute and fun to be around -- you should like this person just as much as you like spending a day at the beach with your friends. If you're going to spend a lot of time with that person, then you should feel a baseline of affection -- just nothing too serious.
    • Pick someone you already like, but not someone you would normally date. Go out of your comfort zone and remember that you're looking for a hot hook up partner, not your future husband or wife. If you pick someone you might date, then it's more likely that you'd end up falling for that person.
    • You should have some natural chemistry with this person. That doesn't mean you want to stay up for hours talking about the meaning of life with him -- you just want to rip his shirt off.
  1. 4
    Pick someone outside your social or work circle. Don't have a friends with benefits relationship with one of the members of the group of friends you've known since you were five, or it'll lead to some serious awkwardness when the relationship ends. Typical friends with benefits relationships only last a few months, so don't pick someone you know you'll have to see all the time.
  2. 5
    Pick someone with experience. You should try to find someone who you know has had some experience hooking up -- even better if you've heard he or she is great in bed. Since that's what you'll be doing, it's good to have a sense that the person will deliver. It will also help if the person has had some casual flings before, so he or she is experienced in that department. If the person has only had one relationship and it lasted seven years, he may not be your best bet.

Start the Relationship

  1. 1
    Flirt with the person. Start flirting with the person by teasing, playfully touching, or just paying attention to him or her. Let the person know you're interested and give him or her a few not-so-subtle complements. You're not trying to be coy here -- you're looking for a hook-up buddy.
  2. Start hooking up. Once the person is interested, you can start kissing or doing something more. Tell the person how attracted you are to him or her but do not complement that person's personality or say anything that makes it sound like you want to date.
  3. 3
    Set the ground rules. Every non-couple is different. Some friends with benefits know each other well enough to set some ground rules before they start hooking up. But that can feel a little awkward and unnatural, so you may want to wait until after that first kiss or hook-up session. Ideally, you should have the talk before séx, so you know that both people are on the same page and that no one gets really hurt. Here are the things you should talk about:
    • Make it clear that you are not dating -- you're just having fun. Both of you should be free to hook up with other people.
    • Make sure that you won't see each other too often. You should see each other just two or three times a week, preferably at night. If you see each other almost every day, then guess what? That's dating.
    • Decide that you'll end the relationship when one person gets too attached. Unless you both start falling for each other, make it clear that if someone gets attached, it's over.
  1. 4
    Enjoy some hot séx. That's what having friends with benefits is for, isn't it? Have fun hooking up with your "friend," letting loose, and trying the things you were too afraid to try with your old boyfriend or girlfriend. This is your time to let loose and experiment, picking up the tricks you can use to wow future partners. Have fun trying new poses, having sex in kinky locations, and just throwing caution to the wind.
  2. 5
    Keep up your communication. As you ease in to your friends with benefits relationship, don't forget to check in with the person you're hooking up with. Make sure you're both into each other, but not too much. If you'll both be at a party, talk about how you'll act. If you're also hooking up with another person, don't be shady about it. You don't have to spill your heart out, but you should keep talking so you know what's working and what isn't.

Keep Enjoying the Benefits

  1. 1
    Don't forget to see other people. Part of a no-strings-attached relationship means that you are free to see other people. Don't forget this important perk. If you're only hooking up with one person, it may turn into a real relationship. If that's not what you want, then keep a look out whenever you're out at a bar or a party. Don't just wait to get a text from your hook up buddy, but look around and see if there are any other options for you.
  2. Keep it casual. You can hang out with your friend with benefits, but you need to make it clear that it's not a date. For one thing, you should spend more time in bed together than out of it. You can go out for a drink -- but not for dinner. Try to make your place as inhospitable as possible so your hook up buddy doesn't want to linger in the morning.

What The Holy BIBLE Says About Drinking Alcohol [MUST READ]

Here’s an interesting piece I found on a popular forum.. Read and tell me if you support the what the writer portrayed !
What The Bible Says About Drinking Alcohol
With Jesus himself consuming wine, you would think the Bible supports consuming alcohol. But, the truth could be otherwise, drinking could well be a sin.

One look at the happenings of the New Testament is sure to make you shout with joy. Assuming that, if Jesus himself shared wine with his disciples, then drinking and consuming alcohol cannot be a sin. While wine and other drinks are mentioned in the Bible, it is also true that drunkenness has been condemned and considered a sin.
To really know what the Bible says about drinking, we ought to be clear what it meant by the word wine. Wine, for instance, was the common drink in ancient times, and Biblical scholars are of the view that, the water available for drinking contained pollutants and harmful microbes, which made it unfit for consumption. From what is believed, the alcohol content in wine was needed to kill these microbes, and also to keep ailments and infections at bay.
If all this is to be believed, then we need to consider another factor in analyzing the reference of wine. The alcoholic content in wine back then, and now, is bound to differ, solely because the process of distillation began only around 1000 A.D. To know the truth, let’s try to decipher the actual messages from the Bible.
Thus spoke the Lord
Drink no wine or strong drink, you or your sons with you, when you go into the tent of meeting, lest you die. It shall be a statute forever throughout your generations. ―Leviticus 10:9
In the Old Testament, we see the Lord speaking to Aaron, the brother of Moses and the first High Priest, forbidding him and his sons from indulging in alcohol. In Numbers 6:2-3, we see the Lord speaking to Moses, asking him to tell the people that, whoever wished to take the Nazirite vow had to stay away from wine and strong drink.
Abstinence from wine, vinegar, and the fruit itself, here, is of utmost importance for those who wished to be separated and consecrated. During the conception of Samson, as given in Judges 13:4, the Lord once again reminds us of the Nazirite vow, forbidding both Manoah and his wife, from consuming any form of strong drink and wine, and anything that would be unclean.
Wisdom lies in following …
Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise. ―Proverbs 20:1
Coming to the Book of Proverbs, the central theme is to give instructions for prudent behavior. Here, it’s not just the Nazirites who are to abstain from indulgence but also the wise, including leaders and rulers. In Proverbs 31:4-5, King Lemuel explains that wine and strong drink is not for rulers and kings, for it will take them away from what is established.
Woe to those who rise early in the morning, that they may run after strong drink, who tarry late into the evening as wine inflames them! ― Isaiah 5:11
Misery, suffering, and punishment seem to rule the day as Isaiah talks about judgment, and calls for repentance and holiness. Which just means that indulging in the pleasures of the senses was considered to be unholy, and eventually called for the wrath and curse of God.
The lighter side of it
Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has already approved what you do. ― Ecclesiastes 9:7
Indeed, Solomon’s words give us something to cheer about. Taken literally, Solomon’s words can be applicable to the present. What the verse actually does is, calls us to trust God and His providence, not just because all else is meaningless, but because it is the Cruz of all life. Psalms 104:14-15 mentions that all things come from God, who joyfully gives food to satisfy the soul and wine to gladden the heart.
What you need to remember …
And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit. ―Ephesians 5:18
The Bible instructs us to avoid drunkenness and overindulgence, rather you are called to be sober and filled with the Holy Spirit. We, as children of God, are called to tread the path of wisdom and sanctity. In all measures, we, as people, are called to tread with caution, and never let the pleasures of life consume us in a fire.
What alcohol can do …
Who has woe? Who has sorrow? Who has strife? Who has complaining? Who has wounds without cause? Who has redness of eyes? Those who tarry long over wine; those who go to try mixed wine. Do not look at wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup and goes down smoothly. In the end it bites like a serpent and stings like an adder. Your eyes will see strange things, and your heart utter perverse things. ―Proverbs 23:29-33
We do not need the Bible to be telling us this, most of us have tried and tested ways to claim the same. Alcohol, in whatever form, has at some point of time caused us to do things differently. In the very essence of it, the Scripture does not encourage you to sin against your conscience, thus, forbidding you from doing anything that will offend yourself and your fellow beings, in particular.
Consuming alcohol, on the whole, is not really condemned but letting yourself give in to drunkenness, which will lead to a loss in sobriety, is definitely looked down upon.
Finally, what matters is not allowing anything to overpower the mind and the body, for that which is overpowered is enslaved. 

The 10 Best Attacking Partnerships in the Premier League This Season

Daniel Sturridge and Luiz Suarez of Liverpool
After their 3-1 victory over Sunderland, Liverpool boss Brendan Rodgers hailed Luis Suarez and Daniel Sturridge as being up there with the best in the country.

But are they the very best attacking partnership that the Premier League has to offer right now?

Going on goals alone, Suarez and Sturridge are currently the most effective pair of strikers in the league with seven goals between them, despite the fact that Suarez has only played one game.

Sturridge had to provide the goals while Suarez was sidelined, but the duo looked sharp on the Uruguayan's return.

Wayne Rooney and Robin Van Persie are close behind with six goals between them.

Ozil and Giroud of Arsenal

Olivier Giroud and Mesut Ozil have four goals between them (all coming from Giroud), but Mesut Ozil has more assists than any other player in the Premier League, setting up three goals.

Aaron Ramsey has also chipped in with four goals from midfield, making Arsenal one of the most effective attacking forces in the league.

Here’s our picks for the ten best attacking partnerships in the Premier League so far this season:

  1. Suarez and Sturridge of Liverpool FC
  2. Rooney and Van Persie of Manchester United
  3. Ozil and Giroud of Arsenal FC
  4. Soldado and Eriksen of Tottenham Hotspurs
  5. Benteke and Agbonlahor of Aston Villa
  6. Aguero and Negredo of Manchester City
  7. Remi and Cisse of Newcastle
  8. Osvaldo and Lambert of Southampton
  9. Michu and Bony of Swansea City
  10. Kone and Lukaku of Everton FC
What's your view? Let's us know in the comment box below.

List Of The Young, Famous And Richest Nigerian Music Artistes [LOOK]

A new generation of artistes are rocking the entertainment scene and smiling to the bank, JAYNE AUGOYE reportsREAD MORE:
A wind of change is currently blowing across the music industry in Nigeria. A new order championed by young, vibrant and talented artistes has emerged. Rather than curse the day that their children decided to embrace a career in music instead of education, the parents of these wave-making artistes are pleased with the success they have achieved.

Today, the young artistes are giving the older and established stars a run for their money. These new-wave superstars now rub shoulders with the same artistes whom they once looked up to or chose as role models.
Apart from competing with the ‘old guards’ in terms of income and expenditure, they are often nominated for major music awards in similar categories.
Multinationals and telecommunications outfits, as well as other major events sponsors, have realised that the younger generation of music artistes represent the future of entertainment in Nigeria. With a good number of them aged between 20 and 25 years and a few others barely clocking 30, the sky seems to be the limit.
Many of the emerging stars are not just rich; they flaunt their wealth at every given opportunity. It seems that the rewards for their modest efforts at making many Nigerians happy are without limit and they always come in the form of luxury mansions, sold-out concerts, huge fan base, state-of-the-art cars, bestselling albums, multi-million naira endorsement deals, chattered flights, big budget videos, custom-made outfits, ‘bling bling’ and generous airplay on terrestrial TV stations.
Usually dressed in sagging pairs of trousers with expensive jewellery around their necks, many of them charge as much as N1.5m to mime to their songs for only 10 minutes at wedding parties or concerts. Many of them had to drop out of school to pursue a career in music.
E-Punch presents six young music stars that have taken the music scene by storm.
At 23, Ayodeji Ibrahim Balogun, a.k.a Wizkid, leads the pack. A string of endorsement deals, including one from MTN, has placed him on the list of big earning music artistes in Nigeria. At present, he is the highest paid Pepsi Ambassador in Africa and he lives in a N140m choice home in Lekki, Lagos.
Wizkid’s personal cars include a N14.6million Porsche Panamera, Rolls Royce, N10m BMW X6, N6million blue Volkswagen convertible and a Hyndai Sonata.
The talented singer, songwriter and performer has emerged one of Nigeria’s hottest music acts, seven years after he broke into the Nigerian music scene. The last child in a family of six, Wizkid began to sing at the age of 11. Like new wine, his performance matured with age. His talent has taken him to different parts of the world and seen him perform alongside world class artistes, such as Chris Brown, Akon, and Young Jeezy, and Kardinal Official.
The young man’s fortunes improved in 2012, a few months after he released his Superstar album. As expected, his rating soared in the same year and he was named the second most influential Nigerian artiste on Twitter, an enviable position which clearly reflected his growing popularity.
Wizkid’s position on the African music chart was further justified after he made it to the Channel O/Forbes List of Bankable African Artistes. Mentioned alongside big weights like Don Jazzy, Psquare, D’banj, he was placed ahead of Tuface Idibia, on the list. Early in the year, he threw a free appreciation party for his fans at the New African Shrine. He has the BET, MTV, Channel O, Ghana Music Awards to his credit.
Olamide Adedeji, aka Badoo, has succeeded in filling the vacuum created by the death of rap sensation, Dagrin. The alternative rapper, who has redefined the word Razz as the new cool, has been dubbed the ‘king of the streets. He recently signed a multimillion naira endorsement deal with the makers of Ciroc Ultra Premium vodka.
For the self acclaimed ‘Voice of the Street’, who grew up in the Bariga area of Lagos, fame did not come cheap. He fell in love with rap music at a tender age and was always visiting renowned producer ID Cabasa’s music studio in his school uniform.
Today, Olamide hobnobs with some of the industry big names, especially D’banj. Pictures of both artistes surfaced online and their close relationship gave room to speculation that he had been signed on to the seld-styled Koko Master’s record label.
The rapper’s hit songs comprise Jale, Street Love, Jesu O kola, Durosoke, Stupid Love, First of All and Ilefo Illuminati. His forthcoming album titled ‘Baddest Guy Ever Liveth’ will be released in October.
Today, the 24-year-old star acquired a brand new 2013 Range Rover Sport. He also topped the winners list at the 2013 Nigerian Entertainments Awards in New York, US, with three awards.
Ice Prince
Twenty-six-year-old Ice Prince lives like a true superstar. A proud owner of a 2010 model of Bentley GT, a Range Rover SUV, among many others, the Chocolate City Records ‘golden boy’ is also a BET Awards winner. Since his first single ‘Oleku’ was released, he has witnessed a meteoric rise to the top.
He gained international recognition after beating 2face Idibia to the Best International Act Award at the BET Awards. He recently relocated from his apartment in Palm Groove Estate, Lagos to a bigger apartment in the Ogudu area, after completing a mansion in his hometown, Jos. The buzz around him got louder after he appeared in Yvonne Nelson’s ‘House of Gold’ alongside Ghanaian actor, Majid Michael.
Dammy Krane
At 19, this 2face Idibia protégé is the youngest of the pack. He hit the limelight after signing on 2face’s Hypertek Records in 2012. He started singing when he was eight years-old in the toddlers’ choir in church. By the time he clocked 11, he was already a back-up singer for other artistes. His mum, who is currently based in the US, manages a number of Fuji artistes.
Long before he put out an official single, music video, or inked a record deal, he had over 4,000 followers on twitter. With his hit singles, My Dear and Ligali, the artiste known for his melodic voice, engaging lyrics and exciting genre of alternative music has collaborated with the biggest names in the industry.
Burna Boy
Burna Boy made newspaper headlines after reports emerged that he sold the marketing rights to his debut album, ‘Leaving an impact for eternity’ for N10m to popular Alaba music and movie marketer, Uba Pacific.
The album is also said to have made a record sale of 40,000 units on the day of its release.
The singer has the backing of his grandfather, Benson Idonije, who was the manager of the late Afrobeat legend, Fela Kuti.
Burna Boy officially broke into the music industry in December 2010 when he moved back to Nigeria from London and has remained a household name in Port-Harcourt. But, it wasn’t until June, 2012, when he made a cross-over to the Lagos music scene with his mid-tempo Summer Jam, Like to Party. He is a Globacom Ambassador.
At 20, David Adeleke, popularly known as Davido, is one of the most popular young artistes in Nigeria. The singer drew the attention of millions of music fans when he introduced himself as Omo baba olowo in his hit song titled Dami duro. Translated from Yoruba to English language, it means ‘son of a rich man’.
Davido, whose father, Dr. Deji Adeleke, is the chairman of Keplo-Pacific Energy Pacific, a company that is involved in banking, steel, power and energy, found his way to the top as if with the snap of a finger.
The youngster, who is not afraid to boast about his father’s wealth, always causes a stir on Twitter with his controversial tweets.
So far, he has won some international awards and performed at various shows within and outside the country. He is also the face of MTN Pulse.

Davido’s personal collection of exotic cars comprise a silver 2012 Honda Accord, a 2012 Hyundai Sonata, which he won for being ‘Next Rated’ at the 2012 Headies, a N12m 2012 Audi Q7, N17m Chevrolet Camaro and a N21m Mercedes Benz G55 AMG, his fifth car since he shot to fame last year.

Boko Haram Now Producing Bombs To Kill Rats? [See Photo]

Only In Naija: Boko Haram Rat Killer !!!

This photo made my day so i decided to share it... Anybody ever used in at home? How i wish this was what boko haram really meant and not this killings.

Presidential Media Chat : Quotes from Mr President

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Just my personal opinion, but how clueless can our president and CinC be? Here are one-line excerpts from his staged media chat yesternight.
Seyi Ogunsua wrote on FACEBOOK:

Some things we learnt from the media chat by president Jonathan on Sunday 29-09-2013:
Oil theft is not done by petty thievs but by big people and exporters, to end it, we need the assistance of our foreign country friends and refiners to stop accepting stolen crude. In addition, we have committees on the issue who meet regularly
People who talk about corruption in oil industry are mainly those who fail to get oil blocks, contracts and favours
Corruption is not our No 1 problem. Some people are taking stealing money as corruption, when you steal money you are a thief
Those who are calling for probe of Abuja massacre do not mean well for Nigeria
Minister of Defence is not important, it is the service chiefs who handle defence
People that say that (Nigeria is bankrupt) are playing politics with what they should not play politics with
You don't just wake up and say we are bankrupt as a senior citizen. You must say the parameters you used
I did not expect ASUU strike to last 3 months, I think politics is creeping into ASUU
Crisis in a developing country will continue. These are things you expect in developing countries
On the over all, before the PDP administration even directors had no mobile phones but with the PDP admin of Obj all have phones
 What's your view? Drop your comments below.... 
Adesanya CodedTee Oluwatobi

New Music: Kayswitch -- For Example (Remix) Ft Wizkid & Olamide

New remix from DB Record's very own Kayswitch featuring 2 baddest guys right now Wizkid and Olamide. This is hard! I am feeling Wizkid's verse, Olamide's verse is loaded!!!. Why do i get this feeling that his verse was directed towards Rukus? Maybe it's just me, but either way concerned Rappers should listen to his verse and catch their subs. Listen, Download and enjoy


Sarah Ofili Flaunts Her Big Booty In Sexy Bathroom Photos

Smash or Pass?

Miley Cyrus: COCAINE is a No-No But I LOVE WEED

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Singer Miley Cyyrus has more than managed to keep herself in the news after all her twerking and bad girl transition from Hannah Barbara. Once again, she has come out to confess her love for drugs.
In a recent interview with US Magazine Rolling Stone, she admitted her love for weed and her distaste for cocaine or coke for sort.
 I think weed is the best drug on earth,” she says, rather complacently, in her latest interview. One time I smoked a joint with peyote in it and I saw a wolf howling at the moon.

Peyote, for the unenlightened, is a plant containing the hallucinogen mescaline. But let’s let Miley finish.

“Hollywood is a coke town,” she explains. “But weed is so much better. And molly, too.”
Molly is the American term for MDMA – the purest form of ecstasy.

“Those are happy drugs – social drugs,” she continues. “They make you want to be with friends. You’re out in the open. You’re not in a bathroom. “I really don’t like coke. It’s so gross and so dark It’s like what are you, from the 90s?”
The singer also described herself as being “like a creepy, sexy baby” – pretty much on point.

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Badoo Himself with a stress reliever.

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Beauty in the blood,  She shared a photo of herself and her sisters on Instagram with the caption “With my lovely sisters 
#Ibrahim’s #aintnobodystoppingUS#swag #style #class #fashion #ballers #YOLO #fun #sister. Hot..yeah?


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I Am Single And Searching - Kate Henshaw

The Actress who separated from her husband in 2011 speaks on her career and why she is still single...
I just decided that, ok, it didn’t work. Next, I had to move on. There is no need holding on to the past – no need holding on to something if it’s not working any more. There is no need flogging a dead horse since it is already lifeless. And when you decide to bury the horse, would you not leave the grave site afterwards? You would go now. Anything that happens to you now, that sun would still set, another day would come. So, it’s your choice to either be part of the living or be in the grave yard. And I choose to be alive, enjoy my life and smile at everything that is happening – good or bad. As long as God is with you, things would always be fine with you.
I’m not thinking about anything. At the moment, I’m facing my career. If it comes, fine. If it doesn’t come, that’s okay. It’s not the end of the world because I’m convinced that God loves me.Love has given me more than enough. I have the most gorgeous daughter in the whole world. That’s enough for me.

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During her recent visit to Nigeria, Mary J Blige sat down with Cool FM OAP, Kayla to discuss issues ranging from relationships and how she loves to be in the kitchen cooking. The American music star was in Lagos over the weekend from 27th September 2013. See photos of her performance in Lagos HERE .

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Is getting naked now the new style for everything?

Jealous Ex-girlfriend Sets Rival Ablaze In Enugu

According to a report by, a 20 year old girl allegedly set ablaze the 22 year old new love interest of her ex-boyfriend. Cynthia Onah reportedly went to her ex-boyfriend's house at Onugba Nike area in Enugu State late at night with a gallon of fuel and emptied its content on Chinwe Igwe, her ex's girlfriend, who was sleeping. The incident took place on August 24th.

The Commissioner of Police Enugu State, Mr. Mohammed Adamu described the incident as very unfortunate. “It is terrible that a girl because of jealousy would set another girl on fire simply because they are befriending the same boy.”
CP Adamu explained that on that fateful day, Cynthia had in connivance with another suspect, one Obiora Chukwuegbo stormed Chika’s home and set Chinwe on fire. It was only the assistance of  neighbours that Chinwe was rescued through the window as the fire consumed the room. She was said to have been taken to a private hospital before she was transferred to Annunciation Specialist Hospital  Emene, Enugu State where she is still receiving treatment.

The boyfriend, Chika told Sunday Sun
“I am a driver and I’ve been dating Chinwe for the past five years. We had little quarrel and we stopped dating. I meet Cynthia who is a prostitute and dated her for just one month. We separated one month after because at times she would be chasing me with a knife. I couldn’t bear it and so I went back to settle with my former girlfriend. Cynthia didn’t give up as she threatened that she was going to deal with us. She even threatened to pour acid on me.
Being a driver, I travelled the day Cynthia burnt my girlfriend. It was one of my neighbours that called me to say that my house was on fire and that somebody poured fuel under the door and it exploded and burnt my girlfriend who was sleeping in the room; that they have rescued her through the window.
“When I got home, I saw that all my property had been burnt to ashes. My girlfriend was hospitalized because she sustained injuries from the fire. But I am determined and I have promised God that with the condition of my  girlfriend that I am still going to marry her.”
The suspect, Cynthia, who hails from Isi-Uzo Local Government Area of  Enugu State, said
“I started dating Chika when he had misunderstanding with his former girlfriend, Chinwe. We dated for one month and then he told me that he was no longer interested in marrying me. Chika is owing me N12,000. When we had a quarrel, I did not threaten him with a knife. I only used the knife to deflate his tyres.
“I have quarreled with Chinwe several times. I sent her a text message to leave my boyfriend. Because she threatened  me, I also threatened her that she will never enjoy the relationship. I don’t  know anything about who took fuel to the house of her boyfriend and burnt  the house. On that fateful day, Chika called my phone at night and said that I should meet him at Emene junction. I was out waiting for him when the policemen from the State CID arrested me. I didn’t know anything about the incident. I only know we have traded words.”
When  Sunday Sun visited the victim at the Annunciation Specialist Hospital Emene Area, Enugu State, she said:
“I am still shocked at what happened. I regret dating Chika as I have been turned to something else now. I saw  Cynthia Onah and  Chukwuegbo Obiora after they had poured  fuel under the door and fire was everywhere. I was calling him for help. It was when I was calling  for help through the other window that  I saw Cynthia Onah and Obiora Chkwuegbo running away and I was shouting for help until the neighbours broke one of the windows and carried me out from the window”,  she said.
“My relationship with Chika is over. I am in pains and agony. I didn’t know what to do. I was sleeping and suddenly I saw smoke and it exploded and caught fire. I could have been burnt to ashes if not for the neighbours who broke through the window and rescued me,” she added.
CP Adamu said the suspects would soon be charged to court.