
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Featured Short Story: The Reverie

"Who are you?" I inquired. She kept mute as she swayed in the moonlight. Her naked form, glistened under the night glow. The ocean's moonlight reflections highlighted her bold features from a distance. She moved her hips with seductive precision. Her sweet scent, indistinctive and leaving almost as soon as it begins to waft into my senses. 

"I must have you" I mutter to myself, bewitched by the seductress' charm

She stopped suddenly, dead in her tracks and locked her face onto me like she just realized I had been sitting there the entire time. Almost in a blink of a second she starts inching towards me with a new determination. Moving faster yet tastefully sultry and rhythmic. She approaches and pushes me backwards to lean against my arms for support. She slowly moves against me. I groan as my body comes alive. I try to will her to make a contact pushing my head forth and puckering my lips for a kiss. She ignores my  eager lips and leans closer to nibble my earlobes "I'm not real, you can't be here" she slowly whispers. Her voice soft like the breeze.

"What?" I giggle, ignoring the insanity of that insinuation. 

"I'm not real, none of this is real. You have to wake up" she whispers again. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked again. 

In a flash, she arose from my body and starts walking towards the ocean. I couldn't believe my eyes, she still maintained her alluring rhythmic walk, so I bolted after her. I ran against the wind as it blew hard against my face. She seemed so near yet so far. A brief moment came as we neared the ocean shore, she came into view and I was convinced I could reach her, I stretched my arms to grasp nothing but air. I could almost hear the universe going off on a maniacal laugh at that moment as I watched her descend into the glistening water.  I dive after her and felt a heavy push to the chest and water splash across my face. I coughed out a wad of salt water as I opened my eyes to see excited faces staring down at me "Thank God, He's alive!"

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